Monday, November 2, 2020

Happy Halloween!

 For most of October we've been living in limbo, unsure moment-to-moment what this first of the fall holidays might look like in the time of Covid. Would there even BE a Halloween to celebrate?  This year, every thing that can be cancelled, has been cancelled. We put up decorations and we tempered expectations, and we didn't plan ahead at all.  

And we got lucky.  Cuyahoga County didn't go into purple on Thursday, trick or treat was not cancelled, it did not rain... and we had a memorable, lovely Halloween. 

Jack was invited to trick or treat with two friends in their neighborhood, and then stayed and watched "IT" by the fire pit.  First time ever he's not trick or treated with us, which makes me all sad-happy.  He's really growing up, not just getting tall.   And he had SUCH a great time. And had an amazing candy haul (going to the fancy neighborhoods always pays off!)

Ivy stuck close to home but had two friends from bike club join in doing the rounds here in Coventry Village.  Our girls tromped about enthusiastically for an hour and a half straight- except for one snack break at Spirit Corner-- and filled their candy pumpkins to the brim. Ivy received rave reviews for her costume everywhere we went.  Which is good as it was a lot of work to get her into that wig and those horns. A good 20 bobby pins holding her head together, and lots of yelling and squirming as they were put in place.  The weather was perfect all day and warm enough be coat free for part of our trick-or-treat journey. 

While it was certainly not Halloween-as-normal in our neighborhood, there were some silver linings to a Covid trick or treat.  The street was open and clear when we started out, not jammed with carloads of "Drop -off" kids.  The sidewalks were easy to navigate without crowds.  And while many houses were dark, the neighbors that participated did so with amazing creativity, love and fantastic engineering.   So many innovative candy delivery systems!  Chutes, tubes, slides, pulleys, zip lines, slingshots, and even a really cool counter-weighted bony hand and arm.  Neighbors made individual, adorable bags of treats and put them out on tables. Candy was arranged on steps for kids to "shop" and choose.  And everyone-  from 6-20 feet away-- was kind and happy and seemed thrilled to see one another.   It was a night of light and magic here in our corner of the world, in the midst of the darkness and chaos of this time.  

Ivy's sweet friend Molly came back to our porch for "Halloween Cake"-- apparently that's a thing on Youtube, according to Ivy, and she spent all day making this one!  

We'd hoped to do a "bonus" trick or treat at a park with friends today but we've been rained (and possible snowed) out. So instead today we snuggle in and breathe a sigh of relief that this holiday went all right.  One down...

A few other moments from the past week, and earlier on Halloween Day:

Halloween baking!  Why not?

Lots of canvassing this weekend.  Biden and Issue 69.  We are doing what we can and trying to hope.
The most gorgeous, frosty morning....

A terrifically fun happy hour with our Hiram crew.

Pumpkin carving.  This was attempt #1, aborted when children were tired, grumpy and feeling overwhelmed by homework (who puts the end of the grading period on Halloween weekend??  arg.)  We eventually finished the pumpkins.  It just took three days. 

Pumpkin carving with a cat is amusing.

 We had a great week at Bike Club.  Molly's big sister has joined the crew and she's a chatty, lovely young lady.  The younger set just embrace every minute together and these hours following them around Forest Hills are something I look forward to each week.

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