We had some wonderful, silly fun last weekend. Because we ALWAYS go to the county fair with Melinda and Will (we think the girls have gone together every year of their lives!) and there is no county fair this year... we took matters into our own hands. Over a month in the making, the first annual Superior Fair went off without a hitch and may have to continue even if/when the County Fair comes back...
We had fair food! Corndogs, italian sausages, Cotton candy, and even funnel cake (go Melinda! It was totally perfect!)
We exhibited out treasures and art in the Arts and Crafts pergola, and many ribbons were won!
We had an animal barn! Sadly we only had chickens and a rocking horse in it because we couldn't corral our rabbit to bring him outside and I wasn't able to get anyone to bring goats over to our yard (though I tried and actually came pretty close! Darn Covid...). Next year!!
But the line at the food table might have gotten out of hand.
And we might have been a little short on space in the Arts and Crafts Pergola during voting time.
Which everyone took VERY seriously. Bless their hearts. I love these people so much for indulging my silly ideas.
The midway kept on rocking all afternoon. Eventually we moved to the honor system for winning tickets and buying prizes and can I tell you about these sweet girls and how earnest they were. "I got the ball in the bucket three times and on the edge 4 times so that's 19 tickets, ok?" "Ok, go take 19 blue tickets!" A few minutes later, 12 blue tickets are pressed into my hand in exchange for two stuffed animals that came out of the giveaway bin in my basement. All while I sat and relaxed on the patio with a Budwiser (because its the fair so we couldn't have good beer, of course!)We lingered and played and ate and drank and celebrated winning ribbons for a good 4 hours, and no one even got hurt during the demolition derby. So a win for sure.
A little more photo-documentation: the culmination of weeks of sign painting, art gathering and general preparation...
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