100 days of the pandemic have come and gone and we are so used to it that the milestone didn't stand out... I think we may well be in these trenches for another hundred days, and another hundred after that, so acclimation is important.
In recent weeks the states of Arizona, Florida and Texas have seen huge spikes in Coronavirus cases and just this week Ohio has started following suit. It seems that in our haste to "get back to normal" we have unleashed this virus uncontrollably. Mask wearing ordinances are going into place everywhere because people cannot be thoughtful of others without being told, under penalty of a fine.
Of course I can't really talk, as I type this, mask free, by the lake in NY. We, too, have been guilty of flaunting a lot of the rules these days, with our small backyard gatherings and increased shopping, and even occasional patio dining (crazy!!). On the risk-factor chart, ranging from 1-10, we've really not been above a 5, so we are hoping against hope that we've not brought COVID with us from our "hot spot" county to this peaceful rural enclave, especially as a certain 4-pack of little girls really aren't great at social distancing.
Here we are at our second major holiday to be affected by this disease. I am thankful for the warm weather and sunshine which lets a lot of our Farley's traditions continue in an almost normal fashion. Kids are swimming and playing in the park together, adults are standing around or sitting by the water or gathering around campfires in just about the same way we always have. Farley's life was made for this. But- there was no Point parade this year, or gathering to sing the National Anthem. Kids are asked to play outdoors only and not enter each other's cottages. The girls wore masks at their lemonade stand, which was rather sparsely attended. Our family dinner tonight will be small as Emily is not flying up from Atlanta, Jamie and Casie are not flying in from San Francisco, and Randy and his family are staying in Union Springs till the Point clears out a bit.
Still, we have sunshine and glorious lake breezes and temperate water. Jack and Ivy have been paddleboarding and swimming nonstop and we are all looking sun-kissed already, two days into our stay. We are so blessed to have this place, and to get to be here for more than 3 weeks this year. Rather than focusing on what is missing, I am trying to center my mind on this chance we've been given to just BE, to breathe, to rest. I am practicing gratitude for our privilege, to have time off, access to a vacation home, and a chance to just revel in our freedom on this holiday. I am acutely aware of all those people who do not have this privilege, and the way this pandemic has exacerbated the gaps. In lieu of parades this year, I will also be writing to my state representatives to demand equitable funding for education, so that we can continue our progress towards a more perfect union. On this Fourth of July, we can be patriots by wearing a mask and demanding change.
Here are some memories from our first (and please, last!) pandemic Fourth at Farley's:
This is the face of a girl who is SO ready for the day's activities, and has been up for an hour waiting for her friends to be ready too...
I never get tired of starting my day right here.
After being outside for about 6 hours sraight on our first day here, this boy spent a great deal of he Fourth reading this entire book.
The girls spent most of their waking moments on the third planning and prepping for their annual lemonade stand, while the adults tried to be simultaneously supportive and temper their expectations and ambitions.
The news that there would be no parade hit me kind of hard... but then our neighbors across South Cove came through with this really terrific boat parade. Boats decked out to the nines, blasting patriotic musim, and topped off with this guy in a motorized paraglider.
It was perfect, and we got to watch it on both sides of the Point.
Then, time to open the lemonade stand! The girls worked tirelessly for their 31 dollars. We are grateful to the neighbors who donned masks and came down to make their day.
Meanwhile, firecraskers in the park commenced. This year Nat taught the kids how to make a can cannon so that was cool.
Jack and Alex-- look at these young MEN we have in our midst! All of a sudden! Deepening voices and broadening shoulders and indepndence. The two of them are hiting it off great this year. They are also wonderfully, gently inclusive of little Drew, who is a delightful, friendly burst of energy in our midst.
3:00-- dance show! Isla, Izze, and Reese did gymnastic moves and they graciously included our non-gymnast daughter as their stage manager. The cat helped.
With temperatures in the high 80's and no breeze in sight, it was very much a two-swim day. North side at noon, then south side at 4. The light on the water! Calm glassy surface glittering as kids played and swam and knocked each other off a paddle board (thank you Lulu for the gift of a paddleboard for our family to use here! It has earned its keep in the past two days alone!) It was pretty heavenly out there.
More reading.
More firecrackers. July 4th, being literally one of the longer days of the year, really feels like a LONG day. Luckly it was lovely the whole time...
Park time! Winter made some sweet little friends.
Jack built a tiny fire pit on a rock on our shore, just big enough to make a tiny bonfire of used matches. This turned out to be a surprisingly engaging activity for the whole crew.
Sunset magic and sparklers...
Time for fireworks! Bottle Rockets and Roman Candles and even a few fountains and big areials right off our own dock-- up close and personal!-- plus some impressive contributions from neighbors on both sides meant we had a pretty impressive display right here at the point...
I don't think I've ever seen quite so many different displays going off around the lake at one time, or with such exuberance. It all felt very hopeful to me. Like all these other people were out there saying to the virus- you can't stop us from celebrating! I know a lot of people really don't like fireworks. I know they are wasteful and bad for the environment and dangerous and loudly unfair to sensitive animals and young people trying to sleep. But I have a soft spot for that boom that you feel in your chest, for the awe and grandeur of a huge display. This year, it was just what I needed.
And now- a rewind to the days leading up to our vacation, which also weren't too shabby. Blessings abound.
Saturday the 27th: Magic at the Majestic Meadows Alpaca farm. I knew we'd have a good time-- I mean, we love peting animals-- but I wasn't expecting the alpacas to be so cute they almost made me cry. This one-- Sadie-- I was ready to take her home.
Jack was a big fan of the donkeys, who were docile as can be.
We also spent time with (not pictured) miniature cows, a cute pic, uber-friendly goats and sheep, and two baby kangaroos.
Sunday the 28th: "Double picnic day!" We got together for a laid back lunch with Ellie and Empress at the park near Ellie's new apartment. Empress was a delight as always.
We also taught Ellie to play frisbee and she took to it immediately. Apparently she played football in high school, which explained her unflinching catches and easy hand-eye coordination. We had a blast!
Then-- "Fake Fourth of July!" We've decided this is a thing now. We had my mom and cousin Steve's family over for a summer feast, hangout time, and sparklers and it was very convincing with its holiday feel.
Mornings on our porch are something I'm going to miss here at the lake-- and look forward to returning to in August! I feel like this pandemic has really prepared us to be better at vacationing. We have sunk into lake life with nary a delay and think that's becaue we've been training with coffee and breakfast and reading and cat snuggles in our front porch Adirondacks since late spring.
The weather this summer, though!
Hot and sunny and perfect for mini-golf!
Buzzard Cove was a hoot.
Another thing I'll miss- our new pergola / tropical retreat.
Also perfect weather for a beach day with our friends.
Huge waves and lots of wind and great company.
Headlands is a great beach for social distance. Plenty of cars parked in the lot but you'd neve know once we hit the expanse of sand.
One more quick playdate with our cousins before heading out of town.
It felt nice to be at a pool, and made me miss Cumberland all the more...
... and sunset at Edgewater.
Then we spent the 2nd cleaning the house within an inch of its life while Ivy spent the day with Vio for her birthday and Jack spent the day soaking up gaming time. I don't think our house has ever been this clean. We cleaned the cupboard OVER THE FRIDGE for goodness sake. I hope the super sweet family renting from us appreciates it!
And-- after loading the remaining contents of our home into the CRV, we were off! Three weeks and change at the lake... lets do this!
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