Monday, August 12, 2019

County Fair!

We had exactly one free afternoon in town during Fair week this year, so when the weather was temperate and fair AND our friends were free to join us at that moment, it was like winning the lottery.   My love for the fair is deep and abiding and this year's visit did not disappoint.

These three have been going to the Cuyahoga County Fair together since they were two so it felt pretty important to continue the tradition...

New this year:  Pig racing!  So many bad puns!  So many cute pigs!   
 The kids took full advantage of their half-price ride stamps by going on the Spaceship 3000 many, many times.  It's one of those rides where you spin so fast you stick to the wall while the floor drops out from under you, and its a testament to their young vestibular systems that they could still stand...
 Fair food was consumed... gyros, corn dogs, and massive quantities of lemonade.
 We watched a magic show and 50% of our friend's family participated as volunteers.

 We oohed and aahhed over bunnies and met Peaches, who was walking on a leash...

 And this idyllic sheep.

 Another first for us this year:  Draft horse pull!  We usually go to the demolition derby but this was a hoot AND was free.
 Here are the girls taking both the bleachers and the national anthem very seriously.
 These horses were simply amazing.  The "Heavyweights" were like cartoon horses on steroids, thick necks and shoulders and the ability to pull a sledge loaded with 8,000 to 10,000 pounds of cinder blocks for 27 feet.

 A few more rides and home by 9pm in time to pack for our Michigan trip!  The fair is always worth it.

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