Our Gram broke her patella in January and after spending 2 weeks in a rehab facility is now living with us for a few weeks until she has her mobility back. So, with adding another person, another dog, and a fair amount of medical equipment, our house is very full and busy these days. Handy for family celebrations at holiday time, though! We've been able to spend lots of time playing cards, scrabble, and chatting with Gram, and Ivy girl has shown herself to be a natural caregiver, helping any time she is needed with a smile on her face. We are learning how to live life in our house a little differently, and find the silver linings.
In case this didn't make me busy enough, I've also been working on launching a side business as a Norwex consultant. I've found it to be a fun diversion and even made a little money in January... but I am not sure I can keep up the pace of a part-time new job along with my already-demanding full time job AND additional caregiving at home.... It has been intense! Some things have had to move to the side, including sleep, going to the gym, most hobbies (excluding Facebook) and this blog. Sigh. Luckily, February hasn't been all that photogenic so you're not missing much.
Here is a little recap of the things we've been up to when we're not staring at the TV in exhaustion:
One of the silver linings: A visit from Bec who came out to help negotiate the exciting world of nursing home care (hoping to be done with THAT for a long long time!). The week after Bec visited we also happened to have major winter storm and then a Polar Vortex that closed every school in the city for 2 days. Another silver lining: time off work to get things ready for Gram to get OUT of that nursing home!
A visit to Orchid Mania.
Another Friday night, another MIX at the Art Museum.
A warm sunny day!!
With some leftover Polar Vortex ice to jump on!
A boy who is loving ski club. Even though he's had three sessions get postponed now (one for warm temps, one for a snow day, one for rain.... Ohio in the winter, I tell ya.)Also a boy who loves his dog who is remarkably calm about goggles.
(Oh and this little girl is going to be in a show at the end of the month. Because we need MORE to do...)
Superbowl Sunday with family...And-- Miss Saigon! Loving my Broadway series!
This weekend Jack's been fighting a virus so we've been finding things to do with just a girl. So far: Life Drawing at MOCA and tubing with friends.
And-- it's a 3 day weekend! (I think I may have mentioned my love for 3 day weekends??) Perhaps, more adventures tomorrow. Or maybe, a nap.
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