Sunday, November 11, 2018


Halloween 2018:  The "Underworld Family"  takes on Cedar-Lee, Spooky Pooch, the Boo-levard Spooktacular, and a cold and rainy Halloween night...

First event of the season-- as quick trip down Lee road where our little demons gathered plenty of candy and we ran into plenty of friends.

I love our little community!
Not a Halloween event but an excuse for a different kind of dressing up-- a visit to the MOCA fall art opening for the grown ups.

As usual, we spent most of our "adult time" doing crafts.  Really, they are the best part of the art openings.
Second of course to being with this guy.

That same weekend we had what would be our only full-family costume event-- the Spooky Pooch parade.  A cold, drizzly day but the weather cleared for hour of the actual parade, and we had a blast looking at all of the other doggies, and showing our our little "Cerberus," who was quite the hit.

For one part of the parade, there were people sitting along a curb on Detroit.  Winter took it upon herself to go up and give each and every one of them a personalized, wiggly lick.  She played to the crowd very well, I think, even if our family costume did not win any awards.  Next year, a float. That's the way to victory.
Ivy and Win and I hung out for a but at Gram's to warm up and dry out from a rainy walk home, while Nat and Jack went off to one of the last games of Jack's season...

He's had a fun fall with the Kickers, even if they did not win very often.  I think he's happy he joined.

Fast forward a week (because that's just how this October has felt) to the next Halloween event:  The first annual Boo-levard Spooktacular.  The PTA this year decided to abandon the traditional movie night for a more interactive event, and it went off pretty well.

We had a adorable costume contest, games and crafts, and the book fair going on.  This little demon spent much of her night helping me sell concessions-- she can make change like a boss.
Sunday-- pumpkin carving!  Perfect timing with Becca in town for a visit.  She even spent the night-- in Ivy's room-- which pretty much made Ivy's year.

Halloween itself was on a rainy Wednesday this year.  Our crew braved the drizzle boldly and garnered a good haul, coming home with soaked feet as well as pounds of candy.

Winter was a hit in her costume, but did not like the rain. She kept trying to walk right in to each house, and began refusing, straight-legged and pouting, to leave the covered porches.  She and Nat headed home early while I carried on.  Turns out my vintage black wool coat is impervious to weather and I would have happily chaperoned trick-or-treating all the way til 8.  I just love the sidewalks full of happy people, the adorable costumed little ones, the sense of excitement. 
Ivy was the one who demanded to head home around 7.   :)

This year's candy trading was very well organized-- each child would place their agreed upon item at the "belt line" and then on the count of three, push them across to the other side.  It was hilarious.
And just like that, October was over!  Happy Halloween!  Now on to the next thing...

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