A recap, in photos, of the past 4 days here in the CLE.
Thursday evening: A crisp, 28 degree evening. Perfect for the kids' first time skiing... |
Saturday: 65 degree sunshine. Of course we went to the beach... |
I've had the opportunity this year to help chaperone my school's ski club. I've been meaning to do it for years, and finally had Monday nights free. Of course, between snow days and warm spells, we've not gone skiing too many Mondays! But the two sessions I did have were terrific. A little bit of head-counting on the bus is a very small price to pay for a few hours of skiing with good company and amazingly short lift lines. I ski so rarely these days, I forget every time just how much I enjoy it.
I discovered at my last session an added bonus: free passes on my advisor card to ski later in the season! We looked at the forecast and realized that "later in the season" may very well mean "this week." So, on Thursday morning we decided that a spontaneous ski trip, on a school night, would be the perfect idea.
Lucky for us, it turned out well. We had 4 free passes and used them all and FINALLY got both of our littles out on the slopes.
This one took to it like a natural. He was skiing Buttermilk by the end of the evening and asking when we would be back... |
Little girl tackled things with her trademark enthusiasm until her trademark low blood sugar hit and she fell apart. She has decreed that "Tubing is much more fun!" |
On February 18th, in both 2014 and 2015, I had a snow day. This year, we were barefoot by the lake. Can't keep up with this weather. While this warm spell in February is a bit creepy, we are certainly enjoying it. Driving with the windows down, airing out the house, soaking up the vitamin D. We had a magical Saturday, complete with a kids Brass concert at my mom's church, lunch out, and almost two hours at our lake. Topped it off with dinner and board games with friends... AND the fact that it was only day 1 of a three day weekend... not too shabby...
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Happy "Spring" everyone (going to enjoy it while we've got it!!)
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