Monday, September 7, 2015

Summer's not over yet!

We may be back to school but that can't stop us from enjoying every last drop of the sunny, warm weather.  The CLE has been glowing this week, with 80-90 degree sunshine every day and plenty of summertime fun yet to be had...

Highlights reel (in pictures... more writing coming, sometime.  Too busy in the sun right now, sorry.)

Bike rides (to enjoy Jack's GIANT new birthday present)

 JCC pool (two days in a row after school with friends Max and Sam. When you've got a good thing, why stop??)

 Lots of Lego building craziness (including a super fun 4 hour playdate with neighbors Spencer and Andi on Saturday!)
 Whiskey Island...

Ivy rockin in the free world with her MP3 player...

 ... complete wit fabulous Air Show views!

 The Thunderbirds were awe-inspiring.  And very loud.

Sunday-- opening day for members at the Holden Arboretum's new Emergent Tower and Canopy Walk. We do love being on the cutting edge. And climbing things for great views.

 More JCC pool!   Every last drop...

And-- a stunning evening at Blossom for the music of John Williams with the Cleveland Orchestra!

 I think the kids even enjoyed themselves, contrary to Jack's face in this picture.   It was pretty awesome there,  jam packed with happy people.  Many of whom were in Star Wars gear.  Best moment?  All the raised Light Sabers during the playing of the Star Wars End Title.

This morning-- an 8 mile run in my neighborhood.  It's nice to enjoy our home on days like this...

And now we are off for a Labor Day ride in Becca's boat!  Phew.  I'm going to need a week at work to rest up from this.  

Talk to you later-- I'm off to enjoy the rest of this wonderful three day weekend.

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