Another stunning weekend here in the CLE, full to the brim with festivals and celebration. It's kind of hard to handle, y'all. Not that I am complaining!! No. Just a tiny little bit tired, that's all... and wishing this weekend could last longer than 2 days.
The fun this week started on our "bonus day": a day off school for the Yom Kippur holiday. I personally have a soft spot for somber holidays and the day of atonement appeals to me in an abstract way. But I am also happy that our lack of religious practice allowed us to spend the day at the farm.
Let the Fall Festivity begin!!
We spent an inordinate amount of time in the grain barn. This lovely, calm woman had our troupe entranced as she guided us through the history of milled grain.
Jack would have spent all day communing with this horse. He's such an animal lover.
Corn maze. When did they get so big, these brave ones? They kept disappearing around corners. We tried to hold back and let them be free to have an adventure that was all their own. We are greedy, we parents. We want to have the adventures, too, right along with them, to claim some of each new experience for ourselves, slipping back in time, along for the ride. It is one of the hardest parts, this letting them be on their own...
Luckily, sometimes they still want to hold our hands.
Wednesday evening we were going to try to top the day off with a visit to the lake, but we were foiled by traffic. So, a bike ride in our local park had to suffice. Not a bad second choice! Look at this big boy on his giant bike...
Also really nice to spend some time in the company of these lovely ladies, whom I had missed all summer. Here we are, cooing over Alex's new little girl. What I rock star she is, out on the town with her 2 week old baby...
Saturday-- a glorious day out, surprisingly warm. Poor Jack practically gave himself heat stroke playing soccer. He's so very serious about his games, and did NOT want to step off the field for drinks. He was a red-faced puddle by the time we went home. Gave both kids a cool bath and some screen time before we headed back out to enjoy the day some more.
We drove out to Lorain to check out the first annual Firefish festival. A neat idea by the makers of the Ingenuity Festival, it purported to showcase art and ideas in abandoned spaces. Of which, it turns out, there are plenty in Lorain. The prevalence of empty storefronts, all duly bedecked with fish themed art, gave the festival a sorrowful air. That and the sorry selection of street food. But the kids managed to have fun and it was a memorable new adventure...even if it is not going on our annual list.
Here's my old dog, looking noble on Sunday morning...
Thinking of things that are on our annual list-- Sunday was also Apple Day! I think the pictures speak for themselves pretty well. The sun always shines on Apple Day, and it's always a little bit of laid back heaven out at Eddy's Fruit Farm... Also-- when did these four babies get so big?? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was walking the orchard aisles with Ivy in a carrier? That Jack was being thrown miles into the air, and biting into his own apple for the very first time??
Traditions. Marvelous things except for the way they shine a spotlight on the sheer speed of life...
For two hours on Sunday, we slowed it down a little bit...
annual coffee-and-donut picnic... |
Building nests in the trees.... |
Can't get enough of these intoxicating September days... so we headed West for the evening to slow life down by our lake...
I do love an off-season beach. All the space you need, nothing but laid back people who are as beach-loving as we are. Our children never play so cooperatively and independently as they do at the beach.
(these, in case you can't tell, are terrible quality photos of the total lunar eclipse, as viewed from the parking lot at Woodmere. It was totally cool. The eclipse, not the parking lot. Worth a late bedtime for sure...)
Now-- back to the real world for my first 5-day work week in almost a month. Already wanting my weekend back...