Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Lake so far...

The lake is high this year, so full of water that half of the docks are out, so they won't be washed away. The water is a little murky and the beaches are cluttered with debris.  The weather has been cool and windy and even, yes, rainy since we've been here.  But still... life at the Lake is grand.

We drove in by night on Tuesday so we could wake up at the lake on Wednesday.  Which, appropriately enough, happened to be our wedding anniversary.

It was nice to wake up at the lake with this guy.  It's his natural element, after all. 

Here's what we've been up to at the lake so far:  Drinking coffee,, drinking gin and tonics, standing in the road talking with neighbors and friends, sitting in the red chairs talking with neighbors and friends, watching kids play, a little kayaking, a little canoeing, drinking some more coffee, bike riding, keeping Corydon from barking, some more talking with family and friends...

The Point is hopping this weekend, Fourth of July and a wedding all rolled into one. Nonstop greetings and catch-ups with folks passing by, any time we are outside, it seems.   Our social calendar is full for the weekend starting tomorrow so we've enjoyed a couple of unscheduled days.  Spent some time in Aurora yesterday, picking raspberries and dining al fresco on my favorite porch.  Informal grilled dinner tonight with the Union Springs Morehouses.  Plenty of cousin time and park time and outdoor free play for our littles, with time left over for TV and Minecraft and general relaxation...  (though much to Jack's chagrin, our "schedule" has accompanied us, in vacation form, to the cottage.  It's for his own good, really, to keep his parents sane...) 

Highlight so far?  Our free-range kids.  Once cousins show up, they disappear.  Off to the park, off to swim, off to wander.  They are confident and happy and safe.  And I had a moment today where I did not know what to do with my free time.  Who knew THAT would ever happen again?  These big kids of mine are pretty awesome. :)

Pictures from our first two days:

silly little girl hiding in mommy's "couch bed".  Sleeping arrangements this year are working just fine:  two kids in the two beds in the bedroom, Nat on a cot and me on the couch, head to head in the living room.  Cozy.  We've unpacked well this year, I think, settling into the spaces in the cottage.  The roomiest tiny house in the world, this one.  Fits our family just right..

No better place to play Minecraft.  Can't knock it. I  used just this space to do some schoolwork this afternoon and there's no better place to do that, either.  

This little girl had me cracking up as she read aloud a "letter" she busily "wrote" in her notebook. 

 Some time at Lulu's house... exploring the barn..


... dealing with injuries after falling off of swings...

 Hanging out with cousins...
David found this old license plate in the gully.  He let Ivy look at it, warning her to not get it on her dress.  These are the sweetest kids!

The view from the porch.  See the bit of lake between the trees??  It rained off and on during our whole dinner but by sunset the skies were clear and we had a sunny day all day today...

Hannah is a big fan of Corydon.

Randy got a new-used BMW.  Nat is a wee bit jealous. 

Checking out pictures from our wedding after supper.  Claire made us an "anniversary cake" and everyone sang.  Can't imagine a nicer way to celebrate.

Today:  Nice enough for a swim!  At least for the kids...

Here is a picture of Ivy forlonly scrubbing the docks.  She CHOSE to do this, just so you know.  See how the docks don't go out to the boat hoists?  That's cause they'd be underwater out there.  Crazy.

Jack, the reader.  Always and everywhere.
This afternoon's fun-with-kids was water balloons.  They were SO terribly excited.  Turns out trying to keep up with demand for water balloons from 8 children is a stressful and difficult proposition. The tying!  The splashing!  The crowding around of kids as you try to fill faster, faster!  Whew.

But they sure did have fun. Plus Sarah made nests for hers in this tree and that made all the work worthwhile.

A quiet pause in the afternoon...

These two are becoming quite the accomplished kayakers!  We borrowed Alex's little Kayak so they could both play.. we may be needing a second one for our family, as Ivy is an independent paddler now!

Such determination.  She and I had the nicest trip out into the little cove, just the two of us, paddling carefully past the "dead fish zone" and out to where the sun sparkled on the tips of waves.  Ivy wanted desperately to "catch the sparkles!"

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What day is complete without a lesson in carding and spinning wool?  Nat is currently working on rehabbing Claire's antique spinning wheel.  Every Farley's vacation needs a project...

Love to all, from our little corner of paradise. 

1 comment:

jacksgram said...

Oh what fun! All of it. I am impressed with Ivy's paddling. As Kipawa was for me, going to Farleys is like going home, right? Loved this blog! PS. I'm so thrilled that Jack has become a reader like his mom was at that age.