Thursday, January 1, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Christmas came to our house!  

It was merry and bright.

There was much joy.

There was family.

There were spaniels.

And far too many presents.

It was everything Christmas should be and I am so very grateful. 

 Our children?  Not so much, as they have continued to ask when they are getting more toys.  All week.  Sigh.  Something to work on, this idea of reconciling selflessness with the too-much of it all.
In the meantime I will cherish my memories of the consumerist, overwhelming abundance of Christmas morning.  I am not willing to give this up just yet...

Our Post-Christmas interlude in Aurora was lovely and lingering, with unseasonable warmth and sunshine over the lake and dinner with our cousins every night.  I will trade off a white Christmas for this.

Children explored in barns and sewed crafts and loved each other's company.  We had the treat of plenty of time with friends, time in Ithaca, time at home in conversation.  Aurora time is a beautiful thing.

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