Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Snowy Weather

Winter arrived in Cleveland this week.

As winter did not wait for fall to clear out first, our pristine snowy yard is now dotted with leaves, buckeye clusters reaching up like yellow fingers through the blanket of white.

Winter doesn't seem to care, though.

It is serious about being here.
So is Corydon....

This first blast of winter has managed to stay around for almost a week  now.  The children are overjoyed.

They have been sledding 3 times and counting.

They have thrown many snowballs.

They have a made a snowman.

They have caught some air on sled-hill jumps and pronounced it "really really super fun!"

They don't have to drive to work in this stuff.

Lucky ducks.

So they get to enjoy it, fully and simply. 

And, through them, so do I.  

I think it may be a long, cold, slow-driving winter this year.

But around here, we will be flashing our "skiier's smiles" and making the most of it. 

Seek the joy!

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