Saturday, July 20, 2013


We're pushing our return home back, to the last possible minute.  A trip like this one deserves to linger.

Today:  Sailboat races (the troupe of kids helped Nat commodore the event from the boat), two swims, the Farley's annual picnic and a quick return trip to both the carnival and the Mackenzie Childs Barn Sale.  Also, laundry day.  Most importantly-- clouds and wind and a few sprinkles of rain and blessedly cooler temperatures.  Happiness.

I am not sure we took any pictures today.  I know, I am as shocked as you are.

Never fear, here are a few from our perpetual backlog.  Off to bed now.  We have one more lake day to love tomorrow.

Morehouse Boat Reunion
This boy takes boat driving seriously.

Some moments from our perfect evening swim earlier this week...

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