Our Princess Party day dawned dreary and cold, a night of rain dampening the lovely, prepped backyard. Sigh.
After hemming and hawing and hoping for a warm up, I embraced the idea of a indoor party and after the application of crepe paper, bunting and a few pink table cloths, it was pretty festive in here. Nat brought out our big mirror and turned our stairway hall into a dress up room fit for a princess. Our tyranasauris-turned-dragon greeted guests at the door. Snacks were stacked on platters and candy dishes and stands and soon, little ones were filling up all the spaces in between...

We had 21 children and their attending adults and thank heavens it was dry enough outside to send the sword fighters out into the yard. The perfect pergola-turned-castle was danced in and hidden in and served it's purpose well. Children played and adults talked, food was eaten and our playroom destroyed. It was, by all measures, a grand party indeed.

oh yeah, and I wore my wedding dress for the party. If you can't wear your wedding dress to your daughter's princess party, when can you wear it?

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