Monday, April 1, 2013

Egg hunt!

Shortly after our late-night return to Ohio, I was struck with the realization that IT IS EASTER WEEKEND.  I hadn't even gotten the Easter box out yet...

After getting the kids to bed (you know, at midnight) I was down rummaging for Easter baskets because life stops for no mom and Saturday was the Egg Hunt at the Botanical Gardens and jet lag be damned, we were going to have a great time and take cute pictures.

Both the weather and the children cooperated.  It was a minor miracle.  Fearing snow, we ended up with a day balmy enough to eat out on the terrace as our children ran about in their Easter finery.  Things were a bit brown at the Gardens, but an early Easter can't be helped. We could see the tulips beginning to emerge and we will just have to go back and pose again in a few weeks.  We'll have to try again for the annual shot of all the kids, anyways, as all of our attempts this year turned out something like this:

I think this was the best of the lot.

Here are some pictures that turned out a bit better.

Happy early Easter, everyone!

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