Saturday, October 13, 2012

Apple Day! And ducks!

 It has been a glorious fall weekend-- and it's only Saturday!

Last night we celebrated NEOEA day ( a short day for me and a day off for Melinda and Will ) with an evening at Shaker Lakes.

It was a crisp 45 degrees, brilliantly sunny and perfectly fall- a great time to avail ourselves of the lovely fire pit...

 The children ran and climbed and had a dance party out in the field...

We wandered through the woods and threw leaves in the air...
 ... and of course, we fed the ducks...

Pretty hard to top that, eh?  

Try Apple Day.

It was a cold morning, and there were fewer apples on the trees than in ears past... but we weren't about to let little things like that  interfere with a perfect fall day..  We wandered among the trees, picking apples, munching on them, taking copious amounts of pictures of our little ones.  They are all such children now; these trees have watched them grow, one apple day at a time.  It seems like it can't have been a whole year since a little, just-walking Ivy munched on apples in a short sleeved shirt, two years since I walked the lines of trees with a baby in an Ergo on my chest; four years since Jack ate his first apple and held our fingers to walk among the trees.

And now here they are.

The sun came out at lunchtime. We bought pumpkins, ate hot dogs and kettle corn, and enjoyed the deliciousness of the fall air.

Today was a good day.

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