Nat and I had a wonderful trip down memory lane this weekend, revisiting our past lives in Winnipeg. Four days away, international travel, and we returned home with a robe and hood and mortarboard and a piece of parchment declaring my husband to be a Doctor of Philosophy. The weather was rotten and our flight out left much to be desired-- but all told it was a perfect trip. I am so glad we went, that we took the time and the money to attend a ceremony that placed a stamp of closure on this past decade of our lives. It's good to make things official.

The ceremony itself was smooth, lovely, long and a bit boring. It was thrilling to watch Nat come forward for his quick walk across that stage I was on the edge of my seat and so proud and excited. This moment that he thought might never come! Then, there were 550 more graduates to watch. And the chairs in the gym? Not so soft. But I can handle a hard chair for a few hours, after all this guy has done to be where he is today. Finishing a dissertation, long distance from his University while raising our children and teaching part-time too. He's amazing.
Or as Nat is apt to say these days, "That's Dr. Amazing to you..."
It is strange to think that it has been 8 years since I've been to Winnipeg. For most of those eight years I would have told you that Winnipeg was rarely in my conscious thoughts-- yet it was always there as an underlay, those two years of my life shaping what came next. And being back there this weekend? It almost felt, by Saturday morning, that we had never left.
The really crazy part? Being there just the two of us, sans kids-- and trying to remember how it had felt for life to be that simple, all the time. Just us to take care of, imagine! Somehow that had kept us busy enough... This weekend, we didn't even really have to take care of ourselves. Hotel stays can be magical that way; no cooking, no cleaning, asking someone to call you a car... We ate well, starting with the really quite impressive breakfast buffet at the hotel and going on to include meals at Nikos and Fude, two of our favorite restaurants of all time. Friday we were undeterred by the cold and drizzly weather, and wandered the city for hours, visiting our old haunts in the Exchange, at the Forks, in Osborne Village, and taking lots of self-portraits in touristy locations. We walked through our old neighborhood, scoping out our little house (it looks good, has new siding... the deck Nat made is still out back...) and speculating about dog park. Walking those familiar sidewalks it really did feel like mere moments had passed since we lived there.

It was a lovely weekend. I can't believe its come and gone already, with all the planning that went into making it happen. The kids did great with Bec and Gram and we briefly considered proposing a monthly weekend away-- until the full extent of real life hit us, just how behind we are on everything thanks to stepping out of all of our roles for this bit of time. Wonderful to be away, good and slightly overwhelming to be back..
It promises to be a bust week of catching up so I am going to include here a pictorial review of today's lovely trip to Lake FarmPark, in the full realization that I might not get on here again to do a separate post. The weather was a fine today as it was dismal in Winnipeg, so in the midst of the mess and the laundry, we spent the afternoon walking through a corn maze and petting sheep. What else would you expect from us, really?