Sunday dawned sunny and warm and it begged to be captured and loved, to have us make something of it. So we donned rubber boots and a Kelty carrier and drove the troops to the Bedford Metroparks where we made ourselves a memory.
We hiked down, talking and exploring the fallen trees and the rocks, finding walking sticks. We threw rocks in the stream and a very happy dog swam and swam and swam. Jack climbed the wall and made my heart catch in my throat and I wanted to grab him down but I didn't. Ivy was peaceful and sweet and proudly throwing the biggest rocks she could handle into the water.
We finished with time on the swings and lunch at Burger King and it was a day well spent indeed.
We got home at 3:00.
Soup Supper was scheduled to start at 5.
We were a cooking and cleaning machine, I am telling you. Nat chopped a LOT of asparagus.
I used the Dyson on every surface I could find.
We were ready at 5 and the wonderfulness continued.
It turns out, we didn't need to clean the house, because the whole party was outside. The balmy evning called to us, bug-less and fresh. We gathered on the deck, in chairs and on steps, bowls of wonderful asparagus soup balanced on knees. Children ran and chased and played in the treehouse.
Friends, old and new, chatted and relaxed in the fading evening light.
Best. Soup. Ever.
I'll leave you tonight with a few pictures of random cuteness from this week.
Tomorrow-- a post about Ivy. I have to tell you about her talking. She's amazing and hilarious and due for an update post. Tune in soon....
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