Saturday, February 18, 2012


We spent the evening at the mall with Melinda and her girls tonight.  And Jack and Naomi spent a good deal of that time sitting together like this.

Yes, they are in front of a fire.

It was almost too cute to handle.

After this they spent a lot of time running in circles after each other and giggling. 

Who knew the flirtation would start so soon...

It's been a fine week all told, recovering from the Valentine's festivities on Sunday.  Ivy was ill on Tuesday but is back to her usual ornery self by yesterday.  She has been talking more and more, parroting things we say (like, Wait up! after hearing Jack yell it across the library parking lot this evening).

Jack has been loving Valentine's day with its influx of presents, glitter, and candy.  He has been sweet as can be recently, increasingly helpful to his sister (tonight he helped her take off her boots) and full of compliments and kind words.  He's lovely.

Here are some pictures from preschool this week.  Jack shared that the highlight of Nat's parent helper day, was pretending to a be a superhero with Sophie and defeating the Daddy-monster.  Nat is quite popular among the preschool set. :)

Its a three day weekend and oh am I happy for that.  You may get two posts in a row, imagine that!

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