Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Tonight, Thanksgiving Eve, I am thankful.  For my family, slowly returning to health after a heckuva week.  I am thankful that most of the time, we're healthy as horses, thankful that this week was all the more difficult for my not being used to it.

I am thankful for my two enthusiastic little children and their smiling eyes, for their voices and for their little hands, for their soft skin and their kisses and their fidgety little snuggles.  I am thankful for bathtubs full of bubbles and funnels and giggles.

I am thankful for walks around the block, for our wonderful block and the neighbors we run into every time.

I am thankful for my mom who cleaned our bathrooms for us today.

I am thankful to be hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow, for the bounty of our lives that lets our kitchen be overflowing with food right now, for the ease of our lives that lets me sit here on the couch and write these words.  I am thankful for family coming to join us, for gatherings and the making of memories for our children.

I am thankful for my husband who always takes care of the turkey.

I am thankful for the November-grey skies and damp chill in the air that makes me believe winter is really on it's way;  thankful too for the Botanical Gardens, where glasshouses and butterflies and emerging Christmas displays banished the grey and damp for us this morning.

I am thankful for this day off work.

Happy thanksgiving, dear followers.  I am thankful for all the people in my life, whether or not I can host them at my table tomorrow.  May your day tomorrow bring you gratitude and joy.

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