Jack also loves Wyoming because he can walk in the road, and there are lots of anthills, and he can wash and sweep Grandpa's driveway. The constant doting attention from two grandparents doesn't hurt much either.
A little recap of the trip so far.
Aside from the sheer ridiculous-ness of getting up at 3am to start our day of travel, our flight/drive out here went shockingly well. The day was even, I daresay, nice. We cut it a little close with our departure and we were checking in at the last moment, so we did not get seats together. This led to a rather long 3 hours for Ivy and I back in row 20. Turns out little fireball is hard to keep contained for 3 hours. Thankfully she did sleep for a while, and all things considered she behaved herself very nicely. Nat reported that Jack enjoyed the flight immensely. The flight attendant hooked him up with some DirectTV access, where his favorite "show" was the map tracking the progress of our flight. He was very interested to learn the name of the aircraft we were on, and any facts about it.
We got our rental car and headed North to a delightful breakfast stop with friends Leigh and Blaine and their new little babe, Wyatt. We were perhaps a bit too exhausted and slap happy to fully enjoy ourselves, but once again our over-tired littles went above and beyond the call of duty with their behavior and breakfast was enjoyed by all. We broke up the drive to Guernsey with a stop in Cheyenne for supplies at Walmart and a visit to the Sierra Trading Post, and we were here by 4. A LOOOOOOONG day but remarkably smooth. And, to make things even better, the children have slept remarkably well, too. Ivy decided to get up for the day at 4am this morning (someone hasn't adjusted to the time change yet, apparently) but other than that they've been stellar.
Monday was a relaxed day, several walks around Guernsey and a trip into the booming metropolis of Wheatland to procure a straw cowboy hat for our boy. And what a cowboy he is, especially with his beloved blue dragon sunglasses (which he picked out in Cheyenne and from which he has been inseparable ever since).
Yesterday, Grandpa took him fishing at the river. It was a wildly windy morning and we did not have a single bit, but the boy had fun nonetheless, running back and forth across the bridge, singing songs about fishing, casting and then reeling it in right away. "Worm check!!"
We took a picnic lunch up to the Castle-- the most wonderful picnic shelter I've even seen, perched atop a cliff above the reservoir. Jack found it every bit as enchanting as I'd hoped he would. He loved collecting the "giant pinecones" and clambering up the steps and walls like a little mountain goat. Ivy was charmed as well and took her Grandpa on a climbing adventure, going up all the steps to the second floor "turret" and back down... and then she proceeded to take each of us back to do them again. It was no wonder the kids slept for about two hours after lunch.
Big girl has been honing her walking skills during our time here. She's taken 2-3 steps on her own a few times, when she seems to "forget" to grab our hands for a moment. And her preferred way to spend nearly every waking moment? Touring one of us around the house or the yard, toddling along holding one or two of our fingers, seeking out steps to climb and inappropriate objects to play with. Thank heaves for doting grandparents to share the fun!
She's also been saying a few more words these past few days, though she continues to be stingy with repeat performances so its always hard to know when to count something as a word. Mommy, daddy-- much more precise now. Today she repeated "tees" when I pointed out some trees to her. She is clearly signing her own approximations of "more" and "all done".
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