Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Movin' it...

We have a crawler! Since Saturday she's been playing around more and more with that whole "forward movement" thing, and tonight Ivy really started crawling. Just short distances, and plenty or "move back, sit up, turn around, flop on the belly" still mixed in... but we'll count it. What provided the motivation, you ask? Jack's "Zhu Zhu pet" toy. Turns out she's crazy about Zhu Zhu pets.

It is strange to be going through this transition-to-mobility with a baby who approaches it SOO differently from how Jack did. Our thoughtful, deliberate and cautious boy never fell over or ran into things or trial-and-errored his way through anything. Ivy, she's going to be one of those kids who throw themselves at the world headfirst. Exhibit A, as proof:

Tough-looking nose-wound sustained while trying to climb up onto her knees while holding on to her toybox.

We have started calling her Bruiser.

Should I ever figure out how to bring a movie from the webcam to the blog, we captured some of the Zhu-Zhu pet crawling action in video form. Coming soon!

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