The little chicken is growing right along. Today's new skill: eating baby mum-mum crackers. Today it clicked and she realized that these strange little object are for eating! and oh, she enjoyed it! To the point that when she'd eaten one cracker down to a gooey little nubbin and couldn't find any more to chew on, she looked me in the eye and whined with great intensity, clearly asking me to provide her with some more. She's become quite the eater in general. At Chick-Fil-A today she sat up in a regular high chair and opened that little bird mouth the moment she saw me get out her spoon, and munched down her whole container of squash (she loves squash!) with great proficiency.
Her other new thing is making impressively loud sucking noises, for fun and amusement. The best part of this new behavior is the look of absolute pride and enjoyment on her face while she does this. She is a master of the self-satisfied expression...
Here are a few other shots from today. Meet my new favorite hat:
And, yes, they do touch her eyebrows, those lashes...
Our exceedingly goofy children. It is next to impossible to get a decent picture of the two of them together...
And, just for fun, a blast from the past. A pre-Jack, pre-blog era shot, taken in Boulder, Colorado while we were there for Ashley's wedding. I cannot wait for the chance to go back out west! If Miss Ivy ever figures out how to sleep and we feel brave enough to embark on serious travel with her... we *may* head to Denver for Spring Break. Yet another reason to hope and hope that sleep improves, and soon...

1 comment:
My goodness I can't get over those eyelashes! What a beauty!
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