Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Doctor Day...

Yesterday Daddy and the kiddos got their fill of time with Dr. Mann. We managed to accidentally schedule Ivy's 4 month and Jack's 3 year well visits for the same morning, 2 hours apart. Made for a long morning for all, but did offer the chance for multiple trips to the donut shop (a tradition for Jack to celebrate a smooth appointment).

All was well with both babes.

Here are some stats for you:

Jack was pronounced "perfect" (but you knew that!)
His height and weight were both in the 97% range.
Height: 39 inches
Weight: 35 pounds
Apparently we don't monitor head size anymore, but he did get his blood pressure taken for the first time and thus far he has no blood pressure problems.

Ivy is "right on track" with her development, though we were warned that by her 6 month visit we really ought to stop going in to her when she wakes at night, or we might get yelled at then.
Height: 24.5 inches, 60%
Weight: 14 pounds, 60%
Head: Just under 25%
Nice to know her little noggin is growing along it's own, diminutive, curve (and actually catching up a bit).

That's all for now as weekdays are doozies at the moment. Here's my Wednesday in brief: Up at 5 to nurse a baby and head to the gym. Awesome spinning class then to work by 7:30. Run around and attempt to teach my little darlings something while making lots of copies and coordinating various schedules for 8 hours. Run home by 5 and take over kiddo-care at home. Play with Jack, bounce Ivy, make dinner, play with Jack, locate Buzz Lightyear toy, cajole Jack into eating dinner, nurse the baby, locate Woody toy, locate Buzz Lightyear toy again, play with Jack some more...then plug in the boy, tuck in the baby, tuck in the baby again, locate Buzz Lightyear toy, tuck in the boy, tuck in the boy again, tuck in the baby again, tuck in the baby again, tuck in the baby again. Then do the dishes.

I think I am ready for bed.

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