This January has been ushered in by a blast of true winter for Northeast Ohio: temperatures in the teens, and mounds of perfect, glittering snow. It's been lovely. The snow day today, extending my break by a glorious extra 24 hours, didn't hurt either. :)
We celebrated the snow day with a breakfast at Ihop and lots of sitting around in the warm house, playing with iPods and monster trucks. Yesterday, however, we did get out to play in the snow. The pictures above show some of our fun. It was bitterly cold so our time at the park was short-lived... and we were most deserving of cocoa when we got home. Jack, as you can see, enjoyed the cocoa experience quite a bit!
Today's snow was even more impressive. Imagine about 10 more inches piled up. We'll have to try to get some more snowy-Jack pictures tomorrow for your viewing pleasure.
The video below shows our main event of this evening-- Playing with Jack and Cor in the hallway. The first 15 minutes or so consisted of Jack launching himself at Daddy while Corydon got her first real game of fetch-the-toy in what's probably been months. Then, Jack decided HE needed to play fetch with Cor. We watched, and laughed at, the two of them for a good 10 minutes more. All I can say is, we have a very patient, very good dog! And, a cute boy, too.
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