Can't complain about the weather this week. Unfortunately being back on our new fall schedule means that there wasn't much time to enjoy it during the week... but we were able to make up for that this weekend. Friday night we went out for a great dinner at California Pizza Kitchen with Melinda and Will, spent some time listening to a festive band and wandering around Legacy before returning home, putting a boy to bed and having a fire in the backyard. Saturday Nat went down to Bedford to play henchman and Jack and I headed off to get his hair cut. It's kind of crazy how much he "grew up" in the few minutes it took to cut his hair! It's his first real "boy" cut and now instead of looking rather like a Beatles reject he looks "all-American kid", with it very short in the back. (this evening we realized that if we use a bit of mousse we can spike it up in front for a wonderful Eurotrash look. I have this feeling some boy may be wearing hair products to group on Tuesday...) On the way home from the salon, a cute place that specializes in kids cuts, complete with chairs that are actually cars to drive and a flat screen TV playing kids movies at each station, we went right past the "preston's hope" playground, a fabulous looking place we can see from the highway and always talk about stopping at. So, we stopped, and it was fabulous. As you can see from the pics above, Jack had a pretty wonderful time, running and laughing and riding in as many more cars as he could find. He and I played for a good hour before we headed home for lunch. It was a great morning with my boy.
Saturday night Gram came out to watch Jack, and Nat and I went out to our first movie in about 6 months. The Informant. Good fun.
Today, we had an exciting road trip to Wooster, for the occasion of sending Becca off to COLLEGE! I can't believe my baby sister is actually moved out, starting college... all grown up. It was neat to see all the kids moving in, all the excitement and possibility in the air.
Being only 30 minutes from Strasburg, we stopped and had a nice visit with the Cobes side of the family. Jack was so excited to see cousin Emma (he'd bee talking about her all day). We sat in Diana's yard enjoying trail and swiss and a decadent ice-cream dessert while updating one another on our lives and talking quite a bit about Strasburg athletics while the kids ran about in the yard. With all of John-Johns trucks, Emma fawning over him, as well as a real, live ride-on Mino, Jack was pretty much in heaven. Nice day.
On a side note, we have been thinking recently about some of the things that Jack says that just tickle us. Here are a few:
"Cue me" -- Excuse me. He is quite polite about this, except for the fact that by the time he says it, he's already pushing past.
"Let's do it!" -- this is a new one. Said, like so many other things, with tremendous enthusiasm.
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