Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jack is a popular little man. Yesterday he was double booked for birthday parties, invited by 3 little girlfriends just his age (2 of whom are twins!) We went first to Claire's, where the highlights for Jack included the "Par-ty hattt" and learning to blow the "noisemaker," as well as playing in Claire's wonderful playroom for a while. Then, off to Sofia and Luisa's house, where we sampled Columbian food, swing badminton rackets around, pushed a wagon in the garage, and jumped to salsa music (as you see in the video above.) The bar has been set for Jack's party next week (preparations are underway but as of now include nothing very grand, as the party planner starts school tomorrow....)

It was a fun weekend all told, in addition to the parties. Friday we went to the annual Greek Festival with Melinda and Will and ran into Jamie and Christy there. Lots of great food and Loukoumathes. Fried dough with honey, nuts and cinnamon. Need I say more?? Saturday morning we took a field trip to Kidron Ohio and visited Lehman's Hardware, to buy a broom (also in the hopes that Jack would take a early nap in the car. he did). It happened to be the day of a farm auction as well, so the place was hopping with Amish and non-Amish alike. Very festive, what with all the buggies. Jack loved the prevalence of horses.

Today Jack went and played at Gram's house for the day (he went to church and stayed in the nursery during the service! What a big boy!) Mommy and Daddy moved a lot of dirt and wood chips and finished Jack's sandbox in preparation for the party. This evening-- back to the Greek Festival! What the heck-- it's only once a year!

And tomorrow it's back to reality. Both Nat and I start school so Jack will have to get used to having only one parent at a time fawning over him. Hopefully he will adust quickly...

Tune in later this week, once I am not so frantic with the start of school, for some reflections on the fact that my little baby is going to be a 2 year old in a matter of days...

1 comment:

Henlee said...

Advance happy bday to your kid! You have posted a very nice video. I enjoyed watching it.If you have an opportunity please visit our newest youtube video and comment.