Photos! Of Jack with family members, as promised, as well as Jack being randomly cute around the house....
On Thanksgiving
An old one that never got posted-- from October, I think...
Jack loves to climb up in this chair by himself now...
meeting Jen for the first time!
At a rest stop on the way home from Michigan. He's rather short in this picture, I think...
Happy boy who loves his auntie!
With Bec and cousin Laura Kay, the world traveler!
Video! Of Jack singing along with his train bank. Sorry for the dark picture quality. We seem to have no light in our home. To our credit, he was getting ready for bed at the time of this video.
15 month doctor's appointment! Jack's most recent stats:
Height-- 32.5 inches, or 90%
Weight--25.6lbs, or 60%
Head--18.4 inches, or 55%
He has gained about a pound and a half in the last 2 months! We thought he seemed heavier... He was pronounced healthy and on target, so the fact that he is STILL not walking on his own (at least not more than 5 steps) was not a cause for concern.
Mobility update! As stated above, Jack is still not really walking. Though this evening he did charge around the living room holding onto to my finger with just one hand.
New words!
Truck (g-u-CK), Sock (g-o- CK), Walk (G-o-CK-- you have to be there to hear the difference!), quarter, out (ow), and one Jack-designed sign--hands side by side, palms up, lifted in front of him-- which he uses, depending on context, to mean "all done", "where is it", or "help." He also is now saying "OHHHH" when he is excited or wants something, with a perfectly round little mouth. It is hilarious. This evening he managed to get 4 adults to all mimic his "OHHH" face and then laugh uproariously at him. He thought he was quite something.
1 comment:
How cute! He sings. It is so nice to be able hear all your voices. It sounds like you are here or we are there today.
If it were not for your almost daily news about Baby Jack, we would be missing a lot of his growing up.
Vovó Anna
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