Here are some things that have been warming my heart....
We had the most wonderful impromptu game night, with a great combination of friends from different parts of our lives-- swim parents friends and college friends and work friends-- and a bunch of our assembled teens!-- all gathered to play Cards Against Humanity and eat a lot of chips. Pretty much a perfect night.
Have I mentioned I love this kitten?
Continued the fun weekend at a delightful mini-reunion hosted by my lovely friend Indra. Haven't seen some of these people for years but that never matters when you all went to Hiram. All the love.
More love on Sunday- a day-long brunch celebrating Holly's birthday at our friend Mika's gorgeous home.
I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for these people in my life. They are brilliant and funny and talented and also make me feel utterly at home and free to be myself. Such a gift.
As the days get longer, we are moving into "the sun is rising on my morning commute" season and I am so happy about that.
Also the sun is setting late enough that sometimes I can fit in a visit to the lake in the evening before it gets dark...
Next up in swim season-- a day at SPIRE for Sectionals. Our kiddos swam their hearts out and Jack advanced to Districts in all 4 of his events. It was a memorable day in several ways. First was the heartwarming fun of gathering with the other parents to cheer our swimmers off to the meet, with homemade signs and water- themed costumes and so much enthusiasm. Worth every bit of getting up early to see their sweet, embarrassed-but-grateful smiles as they walked by... Then at the meet... a faulty alarm system resulted in a full building evacuation and then having to stop the meet three more times. So we really did live there that day.

It's still winter -- kind of just barely-- so Saturday nights are for Skiing. Alpine valley weathered the warm spell with all slopes open. Just ignore the grass on the sides...
And then it was Valentine's day! This plate of cookies went to work where it was joyfully consumed. I love making cookies for an audience- and sharing the recipe too.
Nat and I visited the Botanical garden to add even more beauty to the day. Love me some orchids.
Oh- did I mention I love this kitten?
This most recent weekend included- a snoy drive to Wooster to see my friend Claudia's son perform in the most adorable production of Julius Caesar you have ever seen...
... and then watching this boy get 4 PR's at Districts.
He was able to break 51 for the 100 Free this year, which he wasn't sure would happen with the pneumonia. I am so proud of the work he put in to recover and swim his best. So proud of this whole damn team. The very best kids.
Skiing at what felt like a whole different area on Saturday-- that snowstorm, plus a week of sub zero temps, and it seemed like winter again.
Put in a ton of work at the Huntmere house. We are a breath away from having the first floor ready to rent. I am immensely proud of the bathroom, where everything is new but the tub- and it LOOKS new (or at least a whole lot better) thanks to some real hard cleaning on my part.
More friend- support-- watching Mika and Sarah perform with Singer's Companye. The program was just divine. Choral music brings me so much joy, both in the singing and the listening...
President's day.... spent the holiday doing more cleaning (SOO close!), then treated myself to a trip to the lake. Then did a game day with the kids and we taught ourselves Catan and ate so much popcorn and had a really grand time together. Love this little family of mine-- and days that slow down long enough to enjoy them.
Jack's swim season wrapped up this month, with a near- pool record performance for these boys in the 400 free relay (and a pool record for senior Aaron in the 500 Free!) at the last home meet. It was emotional to say the least, watching this year's seniors being recognized- and realizing we'll be there on the pool deck with Jack next year. Startling indeed, this passage of time
My sweet students warm my heart every day but even more so on the days we do cooking or crafts together. They love it soooo much. I am grateful for the chance to work with these angels- and the opportunity to create a classroom experience that meets their needs.
This kitten. I just. Love her.
Got the house all dolled up for the holiday, and even cleaned it in advance of having some friends over. I thought it looked quite nice, so, photos.
My sweet students warm my heart every day but even more so on the days we do cooking or crafts together. They love it soooo much. I am grateful for the chance to work with these angels- and the opportunity to create a classroom experience that meets their needs.
This kitten. I just. Love her.
Got the house all dolled up for the holiday, and even cleaned it in advance of having some friends over. I thought it looked quite nice, so, photos.
Have I mentioned I love this kitten?
Continued the fun weekend at a delightful mini-reunion hosted by my lovely friend Indra. Haven't seen some of these people for years but that never matters when you all went to Hiram. All the love.
More love on Sunday- a day-long brunch celebrating Holly's birthday at our friend Mika's gorgeous home.
I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for these people in my life. They are brilliant and funny and talented and also make me feel utterly at home and free to be myself. Such a gift.
As the days get longer, we are moving into "the sun is rising on my morning commute" season and I am so happy about that.
Also the sun is setting late enough that sometimes I can fit in a visit to the lake in the evening before it gets dark...
More joy with friends-- Cocktail choir with friends from COC and Windsong, and neighbors too. Add Nate and Kevin and their brilliant idea to the list of gifts in my life. I'm completely addicted to the way this event brings people together in song.
These two girls love hanging out in the ski patrol hut, and "helping" to close the mountain (being the last chair up before ski patrol.)
The Districts qualifiers chose the theme "awkward family photos" for their social media blast and it generated this absolute gem.
Nat and I visited the Botanical garden to add even more beauty to the day. Love me some orchids.
Oh- did I mention I love this kitten?
This most recent weekend included- a snoy drive to Wooster to see my friend Claudia's son perform in the most adorable production of Julius Caesar you have ever seen...
... and then watching this boy get 4 PR's at Districts.
He was able to break 51 for the 100 Free this year, which he wasn't sure would happen with the pneumonia. I am so proud of the work he put in to recover and swim his best. So proud of this whole damn team. The very best kids.
Put in a ton of work at the Huntmere house. We are a breath away from having the first floor ready to rent. I am immensely proud of the bathroom, where everything is new but the tub- and it LOOKS new (or at least a whole lot better) thanks to some real hard cleaning on my part.
More friend- support-- watching Mika and Sarah perform with Singer's Companye. The program was just divine. Choral music brings me so much joy, both in the singing and the listening...
President's day.... spent the holiday doing more cleaning (SOO close!), then treated myself to a trip to the lake. Then did a game day with the kids and we taught ourselves Catan and ate so much popcorn and had a really grand time together. Love this little family of mine-- and days that slow down long enough to enjoy them.