Monday, January 22, 2024

January Joys

I don't know about the rest of you, but 2023 was A YEAR for me.  I am starting this new year feeling tired from the marathon of the last one.  So instead of ambitious resolutions this year, my goal for January is simply to do/ feel/ be just a little bit better.  That's all.  Just drink a little more water.  Just walk a little more.  Just get a little more sleep when I can.  Do just a small organizing job.  Go into things with gentler expectations.  Take some of the pressure off.  Embrace the little joys and small steps without falling into the thought trap that none of it is *enough*. 

I'm not super great at that part.

But I am trying.  To be just a little bit better about it.

Ski season started for us on January 4th, with minimal and mediocre snow. Jack was the only one of us who enjoyed skiing that day.  I felt like I'd forgotten how to do it entirely.   But watching him hit those, hills, impervious to ice piles of cornmeal-snow-- that was a joy. I'm so proud of my skiing family.

Dinner out at Dewey's tcelebrate the end of winter break for the kids.
The Christmas village has been renamed the "winter village" so it can stay up for a while longer because this kitten loves to snuggle in there on Main Street.
I'm having a wonderful start to my second semester of teaching, with more sweet students who are officially participating in the Essentials class with me.  I've been able to integrate some more hands-on activities with them, which they love so much.  These kiddos are pure joy.
Second time of skiing was the charm.  Lovely snow, no lines, 11 easy-peasy Alpine runs in an hour and a half...
Had the most fun happy hour ever with these folks to celebrate our first 5 day week of 2024.  I love having REAL work friends.  The more I get to know these people the more I like them.  And they put up with me and my shenanigans, too!  We've all vowed to do this more often.

The boy child has finally recovered from his bout with pneumonia and is back to swimming.  All of his meets recently have been an hour away and I've not seen him swim in person for a few weeks.  But happily other swim moms have snapped some photos and Nat sends videos and we have a home meet coming up this week where I can scream for him in real time. I love this photo of these giant young men listening hard to their coach.  
Kitten and doggo have taken to naps upstairs, where the guest room bed has gooten a makeover.  Yes, of course, mammals- this new down comforter was clearly purchased for YOU.
Had ourselves a nice arctic cold snaps that gave us a cold day off school- and this gorgeous ice art on our windows.  I find I really don't mind the cold.  It wsa sunny and crisp and reminded me of Winnipeg.
We took a day trip to Seven Springs on MLK day.  What's six hours of driving when you can ski for free?  While the conditions were a bit icy for my taste (I have gotten so PICKY in my old age!) the kids enjoyed it a lot and are begging to go back.

Icy lake.  It's been so warm overall that even this polar vortex wasn't enough to freeze it.  But the ice-covered breakwalls gave a sufficiently otherwordly effect.

Had the opportunity to netweook and socialize with some new friends from Windsong who all work in education. We met at Rising Star so I got to treat myself to this most gorgeous oatmilk orange mocha.  I thoroughly enjoyed the conversations we all had and could've kept talking with those intelligent and interesting women all night.  
Except I had to run off to take these gorgeous tall young people to the theater. 
We saw Mrs. Doubtfire and I was not prepared for just how much I enjoyed the show.  The lead character really did well in honoring Robin William's performance, and the musical numbers were catchy and seamless, and it was SO funny and so touching and BOTH kids loved it, even the reluctant boy. What a great night.
Then we got 10 inches of snow on Friday.  And I did NOT have a snow day but the kids did and Ivy went sledding and my drive home was slow but safe and the world looked like this.
I love a big snowfall.

Especially when I have a hot tub.  Magic out there. 
Spent the day Saturday at Huntmere and used a miter saw to cut and then mount trim in the kitchen and bathroom BY MYSELF.  Miter saws are fun.  And I felt very hard core.
Also finished the painting in the stairwell.  We are beginning to have hope this might get done.  Someday...

But not when the sun comes out and there's perfect natural snow.  Then you throw everything under the bus and get some silky-smooth runs in at Brandywine before Windsong rehearsal.  And then you go out with your new friends after rehearsal and just. revel in the joy it.

Some days are more than just a little bit better, it turns out.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

I really don't know how Christmas sneaks up on me the way it does every year.  This year was no exception, with the crazy rush of work and wrapping and singing the week before and then suddenly it was the 23rd and we were on our way to Aurora. 

We did manage a family visit to Frost before leaving town.  We were all so busy in December that I did not get nearly my quota of festive family time.

On the 23rd we packed all morning, I sang a concert, and then off we went.  It was a good decision, this Christmas away.  It distracted from the fact that there was no need to "split" the holiday this year.  My heart is feeling the lack of it for sure. 

But it felt good and normal to settle in at Claire's house, and enjoy the full day there on Christmas Eve.

We spent the day walking at Long Point and going out for a fabulous lunch with Jamie and Casey, and frosting cookies of course.

Christmas Eve service at the United Ministry is always a joy.  Utterly gorgeous in the candlelight, and full of all of my favorite carols.  I enjoyed singing with the little choir and showing off on a few descants I learned this year with COC.

Christmas eve Magic.
Christmas morning magic.

It was a decadent Christmas and the kids were thrilled with their individual treats (upgraded airpods and xbox controller for the boy, Ipad Pro for the girl) before they even opened the new Ps5.

The sun came out for us in the afternoon so we took advantage of a 60 degree Christmas by taking the dog for a swim at the lake lot. 

 Finished up our time in Aurora with a lovely visit at Betsey and Peter's house, and another outing with Jamie and Casey.  Three days well spent, full of cookies and gifts and family and friends, as they should be. 

Back at home Santa left some gifts as usual-- treats he delivered on behalf of Auntie Bec and Vovo :), and a couple of lifejackets because the kiddos (well, their dad really) are getting a boat this summer! 

Jack came down with a nasty virus the day after Christmas so those liminal, amorphous days between holidays were even more sedate than usual around our place.  Some cleaning, some work at Huntmere, some relaxing, lots of gaming on the PS5.   New Year's celebrations were laid back too, with a small but highly entertaining party at Melinda and Will's ( which involved a drawn out social experiment of sorts involving traditions and jello molds and family spoons...)and then a quiet ball drop in the living room at midnight with our still-sick boy.  Hoping that 2024 continues in a more healthy way for him!