These weeks are blurring by! A series of glorious fall days glimpsed through windows as the hours are spent rushing-- down hallways, to meetings, through lessons, to the copyroom. And driving-- to work, to the Clinic for radiation, back home, then on to rehearsals and piano lessons and conferences and all the other things. A few hours at the end of each day, mostly spent doing dishes and then sitting in a TV-and-exhaustion induced stupor, a few hours of sleep... and repeat.
I am not complaining. Far from it. Those glimpses of fall sunshine, and the glow of it on the foliage and brickwork of the mansions I drive past on the way to the Clinic-- that's more than anyone has a right to hope for from October in Cleveland, really. Plus I have had the luxury and privilege of getting out for a few runs in the intoxicating autumn air, while the kids swim on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And, these long weeks have been punctuated by weekends full of life and exercise and all the activities. Which have been, oddly, repetitive. One weekend following the footsteps of the one before, a settled routine that may, in fact, be the only thing keeping me moving forward through these crazy, over-full weeks.
With no further ado- some pictures of our current "loop." In no particular order-- rather just blended together, a collage of 3 weeks gone by. An honest representation of how life is feeling, right now. Blurry, lightning-fast, overwhelming, beautiful.
If it's Saturday, it must be swimming and soccer...
So big! So capable! Our boy continues to love his sport. |
This year, the 4th-6th kids played on a larger field. After getting over the mind-blowing change to larger teams AND all that space, they got into it, and it was fun to watch them really stretch out and RUN, and experiment with real passing plays... hoping Jack sticks with this because I can see us having a lot of fun watching him play under the lights someday... |
Games of catch and hilarious conversations ensued.
And coloring. Lots of coloring.
Could his legs gt longer?? |
thanks for a great fall 2017 season, Denison park! |
If it's Saturday evening, you might find us at the lake....
Thinking of doing our Christmas photos at this spot. but maybe during the day, and when we've brushed the kids hair first... |
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Fun with multiple exposures! |
If it's Sunday we're probably exploring Forest Hills Park in the morning....
Obsession of the moment: Skateboarding. #thanksyoutube.... |
And if its the middle of the week there's a chance we'll be at the school...
Or maybe we'll be gathered with friends at home...
Just three 7-year-olds rockin out to Pearl Jam in the hallway. Sounds normal to me. |
Fire, fire my heart! how are they so grown up?? |
Ice cream dates in October. Its a thing now. #thanksclimatechange |
Our new craft room! In action! With friends! I am so happy with this little, tiny bit of a renovation... |
.... or snuggling in the big bed...
Oh how she loves her dance. This surprisingly tall and surprisingly graceful young lady. So utterly serious in her ballet poses. So alight with the joy of her chosen sport. |
Our dynamic directors had everyone in the (packed) place not just singing but shaking and drumming and even, at the end, doing a conga line to Siya Hambe. A bunch of middle aged white liberals marching around a bar belting out an African hymn about the light of god, in 4 part harmony. You've never seen anything like it.
Like the day a guy hit the utility pole at the end of our driveway. Talk about great seats for rubber-necking. The kids were alternately terrified and fascinated. While the guy's car lost an entire wheel and axle, and our fire hydrant was moved a good six feet, no one was hurt and all was cleared within an hour. Pretty amazing-- and neat to see our city services in action.
Or the occasional neighborhood festival...
While the Cedar-Farimount festival wasn't quite as amazing as we'd hoped-- it did have the rocket car. Its always worth the wait in line. |
Which has also been on repeat. Every Friday, a new business district trick-or-treating event.
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My son is terrifying. |
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She has royal blood, obviously. |
And now-- back to the routine. There's some laundry to fold and a little sleep to get. Tomorrow, we vary the routine! No more soccer, so we're working on having some friends over for a last-minute, informal costume party. That'll mean a bit of cleaning and maybe the preparation of a cute, themed snack or dessert. Sunday, more variation as I head to my first West Shore Chorale concert of the season. No slowdown in sight, for us. There's still more October to soak up, after all... Next week, my final three radiation treatments. Onward, then, to November!