Thursday, June 13, 2024

May Days

May was just chock full of glorious weather and fun times with friends, in the midst of end-of-year busyness and celebration (too busy to write about it til now!)  Picture-summary post for you...

Celebrating Donna's birthday at a Guardians game.  If you have to go to a baseball game, a box suite with an open bar is the way to go.

West Shore Chorale spring concert.  Vivaldi Gloria and Haydn Theresienmasse.  It was wonderful.
Monday night dinner with our COC crew, because we miss seeing them every week at rehearsal.
Ivy's actual birthday! 

I love this age so much.  So independent and capable and worldly at times... yet she still likes to put her birthday bows  on her head.  :)
Ridng lessons continue...
... and the barn means more time with the baby goats!
Mother's Day celebration. My family spoiled me with really beautiful annuals for my planters.
And a trip to Holden Arboretum, which was perfect as always.

Ivy's present to me was the opporunity to ride Phoebe, her favorite horse.
I'm not sure horseback riding is for me, but my hour of walking this sweet girl around an arena really built my appreciation for what my kid can do (did I tell you she is starting to learn to jump?)

Kayaking season is here!  Lovely afternoon at Eldred Russel Park with Holly and Elissa and Jess. 

Ivy's final band concert.  Final-final as she's opted to not do band in high school. A sadness to me but I am working hard to appreciate who SHE wants to be, instead of insisting on her doing the things I value.  She wants to put her time into art classes and earning college credit through CCP, and that's awesome.
It was a lovely concert though, and I was so proud of her and all of her classmates up there...
Broadway series night at Company.  Of all the shows to see twice... this was not my favorite.  But I can't complain about a night out with the fam enjoying the creative staging from a different angle.

And then the very next night-- off to the Opera! Holly and Claudia and I took Holly's boss Nidhi and it was fun to watch her enjoy her very first opera experience. It was a womderful production and also pretty neat to see some of our chorus friends in action, from the other side of the stage.

The fun week continued with Cocktail Choir-  Adele night at the Cleveland Urban Winery.  We reconnected with friends and belted out tunes and had a marvelous time. 
Jack decided spontaneously that he wanted to run the Heights Tiger 5k.   The day before.  Without training for it.  Won his age group.  That kid, I tell ya.  (He also had hella shin splints for the next few days as a conseuquence of that no training thing, but still, impressive.)

The lake was frequently pretty. See exhibit A below.
Got to meet Holly's sister Kelly and host a brunch at the new place, which was lots of fun.
More kayaking.  Took our friend Kate out to the lake at Euclid beach and the water was so perfect that we floated and talked and enjoyed for long enough to get sunburned.
Lake, being pretty again.  This was a night that sesemed like it would be too cloudy for a good sunset. But we walked to the beach anyways and got this surprise. 
Look at my girl!  She has decided to learn to ride dressage and with weekly lessons and all of her determination, she is making great progress.  And also conquering her fear of cantering.
End of the year happy hour with my work besties. 
Ivy's final chorus concert.  I am sad she does not wish to continue onto Youth Chorus but I also respect the way she knows herself.  "mom, children's chorus was stressful for me and youth chorus will be even more."  I wish I was half as good at speaking my mind and setting boundaries as this kid.  She's my hero.
The concert was fabulous, showcasing our kiddos and several other phenomenal area groups. Plus it was free, and box seats were included in general admission and so you KNOW we were in that front box as fast as we could get there. 

Continued memorial day weekend with a karoake party for our Windsong director, Jess.  She's a force of nature.  I am so grateful for the energy she brings to our group, and the culture of celebration and inclusivity she creates. What a great human.

Next post will be for the conclusion of memorial day weekend- Cincinnati and Columbus trip with the kids. 


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