Friday, July 26, 2024

July in Ohio

 Most of July so far has gone to travel. Nat and the kids went to Farley's while Holly and I took a road trip vacation to the Southwest and Rocky Mountains.  A definite change and not the easiest one for me, as you all know how much of my heart is at the Point.  But everyone involved had an amazing time on their respective vacations, so it is all ok. I'll put up separate posts for the trips but for now here's what we've been up to since we've been back in the state.

Not pictured:  getting back to my tutoring schedule, lots of house cleaning, and trying to get a bit more exercise and eat more healthfully in an effort to increase wellness and decrease waistline...)


A fabulous beach day with Melinda and Jen.  So much food and so much laughter.

Brunch with my dear friend Elizabeth from my Trinity youth group days.

A kitty who finally got over me being gone for two weeks.
Dinner at Zhug with my love.
Even more swim meets... Here's Jack in the chair to give his friend a break and pass time between events.  
A perfect evening at Blossom with COC friends.

Lake sunsets
Alice's first trip to Home Depot on a leash!  She trotted along like she owned the place.
Starting to put up a privacy fence at the new place.  "Operation: turn the backyard into an oasis" is getting (slowly) underway...

A number of pool days.
The Museum of Illusions-- a fun little outing but not as expansive as I would have liked.

Exploring the Brownhoist building, Asian Market shopping, and discovering random parking lot concerts with Jen.

Welcoming Ivy home (how I have missed her!) with a trip to the barn and then a spontaneous stop at the greek festival on the way home...

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